Emergency Preparedness Information
To sign up for notifications, or to update your contact information:
My.rrmbaojie.com > Employees Tools > Dawg Alert
Dawg Alert is free to you, but standard text messaging rates may apply.
The University will conduct an all-campus test message at the beginning of each semester.
Contact Information:
Butler University Police Department
525 West Hampton Dr.
Indianapolis, IN 46208
317-940-BUPD for non-emergencies
317-940-9999 for emergencies
911 goes to IMPD emergency dispatch
Follow us on X (Twitter), Instagram and Facebook:
@ButlerUPolice @DawgAlert
All crimes should be reported to the University Police Department by calling:
• 317-940-BUPD (non-emergency)
• 317-940-9999 (BUPD emergency )
• 911 ( IMPD dispatch)
If you witness a crime in progress, call the University Police Department immediately. Give your name, location, and phone number. Do not hang up until the dispatcher tells you to do so. Remain at the location until an officer contacts you unless it is not safe to do so.
For more information on criminal incidents on and near campus, visit the Daily Crime and Fire Log.
If you are in contact with a student who appears to be an immediate threat to his or her own safety or that of others, call the University Police Department at:
• 317-940-9999 (BUPD emergency)
• 911 (IMPD dispatch)
Counseling Services can be reached at 317-940-9385 for non-emergency situations.
For more information on Health and Wellness at Butler, please visit: Counseling & Consultation Services
A tornado watch is issued by the National Weather Service when tornadoes are possible in the area. A tornado warning is issued when a tornado has been sighted, or indicated by weather radar, in the area.
- Monitor local TV stations, @DawgAlert or @ButlerUpolice via Twitter or Butler email, Dawg Alert text messages and weather websites for severe weather updates.
- Be prepared to take shelter on the lowest level of your building or if in a residence hall room, utilize interior bathroom or closet.
- DO NOT PULL THE FIRE ALARM to alert others of a tornado warning.
- Stay away from windows and exterior doors.
- Move to an interior room for shelter.
- Wait for an “all clear” notification prior to returning to normal activates.
- If outdoors, lie in a ditch, low-lying area or crouch near a building if shelter is not available or if there is no time to get indoors.
Immediately report utility failures during regular work hours, Monday through Friday, to the Facilities Service Center at 317-940-9393. If it is after normal business hours, contact the University Police Department at 317-940-BUPD.
Gas Leaks:
- Evacuate the area immediately. Do not switch on any lights or smoke in the immediate area.
Power Outages:
- Some facilities have emergency generators that will maintain limited power.
- Follow directions from facilities, Community Assistants, or University Police personnel.
Quickly determine the best way to protect your life. Take decisive action.
- If you have an escape route, attempt to evacuate.
- Leave your belongings behind.
- Keep your hands visible to responding police officers.
- Hide in an area out of the shooter’s view.
- Block entry to your hiding place and lock doors.
- Silence cell phones.
FIGHT (As a last resort!)
- Attempt to incapacitate the shooter.
- Act with physical aggression; commit to your actions.
- Throw items at the shooter, if possible.
Call BUPD emergency at 317-940-9999 or 911 (IMPD emergency dispatch) from your cell phone when it is safe to do so. Remember, when calling 911, know your exact location and state you are on the campus of Butler University.
Activate the fire alarm system by pulling a fire alarm station on your way out of the building.
- If time permits, stabilize lab procedures, turn off stoves and ovens and unplug or disable any device that could make a dangerous situation even worse.
- Leave the building via the nearest exit. Alert others as you leave.
- Do not use elevators. Assist those needing assistance.
- Feel doors before opening; if the door is hot, do not open it.
- If safe to do so, close doors and windows as you leave.
- Report the fire to University Police by calling 317-940-9999 once outside.
- If trapped, keep doors closed and place cloth under them to keep smoke out. Signal for help by hanging an object out of the window to attract attention.
- Remain at least 500 feet outside of the building and await further instructions. Notify emergency responders of anyone trapped, especially anyone with a disability who cannot evacuate.
- Do not go back into the building for any reason until an authorized University official deems it safe to re-enter.
- Plan ahead with your department and have a rally point identified at which to meet and conduct a head count.
Fire Evacuation Drills
The University Police Department conducts both announced and unannounced fire evacuation drills throughout all campus buildings. These drills are monitored by members of the Department of Public Safety and recorded. Any system or operability issues are forwarded on to the Butler University’s Facility Division.
Annual fire evacuation drills are conducted throughout campus. All drills are monitored and evaluated by a member of the Department of Public Safety.
Bomb threats usually come by telephone. If you receive a bomb threat, remain calm and obtain as much information as possible from the caller.
- Attempt to ask when the bomb will explode and what will cause it to detonate. Ask where it’s located and what it looks like.
- If you receive a bomb threat by a caller, ask them their name and location.
- Notify the University Police Department immediately by calling 317-940-9999 on a campus phone or 911, IMPD emergency dispatch.
- Describe the caller’s voice, any background noises you heard, and the exact wording of the message.
- Do not touch suspicious packages.
- Follow instructions from first responders and be prepared to assist them in a search of the building.
- Did you know that BUPD has an explosive detection K9 in partnership with the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department?
It’s nearly impossible to lockdown a campus. However, in cases of an imminent threat of violence, University Police may initiate a lockdown on all or part of campus. Some exterior doors will lock automatically. Emergency responders and Butler officials will lock others manually. The goal is to limit exposure of students, faculty, staff, and visitors to threats by preventing dangerous persons from entering campus buildings. If a lockdown is ordered:
- Stay inside or seek shelter inside immediately.
- Take shelter in a lockable room, if possible.
- Close windows, shades, and blinds, and avoid being seen from outside the room, if possible.
- Monitor @DawgAlert or @ButlerUpolice via Twitter or your Butler email for further updates and instructions.
- Report any emergency or unusual condition to the University Police Department.
- Use discretion when admitting anyone into a secured building.
- Use your best judgment and take decisive action to avoid a threat.
Shelter in Place is designed to keep you safe while indoors if dangerous environmental conditions exist, such as extreme weather or a hazardous material release. If a Shelter in Place is ordered:
- If outside, seek shelter in the nearest building, preferably in an interior room with few windows.
- Allow access to others seeking shelter.
- Close all exterior doors, windows, and any other openings to the outside.
- Avoid overcrowding by selecting several rooms, if necessary.
- Monitor Twitter via @ButlerUpolice and/or @DawgAlert, text messages, and email for updates and further information.
- Report any emergency or unusual condition to University Police.
- Do not leave the building until receiving the “all clear” from a uniformed official, Dawg Alert or email communication.
Do not open any suspicious items. If you have opened a package and notice something out of place, remain calm and call 911.
- Do not move the letter or package or examine it further.
- Keep others out of the area and close it off to stop entry.
- If possible, limit the use of two-way radios and cell phones near the suspicious items.
- If the package is leaking a substance or powder and you came into contact with it, keep your hands away from your eyes, nose, mouth, or any part of your face. Do not touch others.
- Wash your hands and arms from the elbow down with soap and hot water.
- Do not attempt to clean or cover anything that might have spilled from a suspicious package.
- Follow all instructions given by emergency responders.
Notify the University Police Department by calling 317-940-9999 from an office phone or 911 for IMPD emergency dispatch.
- Do not attempt to clean up the spill.
- Remove yourself and others from the area and close off entry.
- If anyone has contact with the hazardous material, they should be isolated and await treatment by emergency personnel.
- Activation of the fire alarm and immediate evacuation of the building must be undertaken if the spill poses an immediate danger to life or health such as the threat of an inhalation hazard from a toxic substance release, or a spill of a highly volatile compound or flammable solvent which could result in the threat of a fire or presents an oxygen deficient condition.
- Provide first responders with information about the spill, chemical and the spill area.
- Do not re-enter the building until first responders provide an “all clear.”
The University Police have a direct connection to emergency medical services; please notify BUPD of any emergency medical situation immediately so EMS can be dispatched.
- Do not move a seriously injured person unless there is a life-threatening situation.
- Call the University Police Department at 317-940-9999 or 911 for IMPD emergency dispatch.
- Give your name, exact location, and call-back telephone number.
- Give as much information as possible regarding the nature of the injury or illness and whether the victim is conscious, breathing, etc.
- Do not hang up until directed to do so by the emergency operator.
- Return to the victim; administer first aid, if you know how; and keep the victim as calm and comfortable as possible.
- Remain with the victim. A University Police Officer will respond immediately to your location/scene and will summon additional medical personnel, if necessary.
Shelter in place (or place of refuge) refers to a designated area of safety when it is not safe to go outside, such as an interior room with no or few windows, and taking refuge in that location. If you are told to shelter in place, follow the instructions provided. Different situations require different locations.
You may be required to shelter in place for events such as an active shooter, tornado warning, hazardous material incident, or when directed by police personnel.
You must immediately seek shelter in the nearest facility or building (preferably in a room with no windows):
- When directed by the University Police Department or the Indianapolis Fire Department
- When directed by the Butler University emergency warning notification system
Try and obtain additional clarifying information by all possible means (Butler University’s main web page, TV, radio, email, etc.)
- It would be useful to have a cell phone, hard-wired telephone, or computer system in the shelter location to assist in obtaining additional information as well as being able to report any life-threatening conditions.
Building Name | Rally Point Location (s) | Shelter in Place Location (s) |
Apartment Village | Tennis Bubble lot, AV main drive, or Sellick Bowl parking lot | Lowest level, use interior hallways, closets, bathrooms. Stay away from exterior doors and windows. |
Atherton Union | South Mall | Lowest level, away from doors and windows, use interior rooms and bathrooms if possible |
Athletic Annex | University Terrace large parking lot | Interior hallways, bathrooms and closets. Stay away from exterior doors and windows. |
Butler Terrace Apts. | Lawn in front of Schrott | Lowest level, interior hallways, away from exterior doors and walls. Utilize bathrooms and closets when possible. |
The Compass Center | Schrott parking lot or lawn in front of Schrott | Lowest level (basement). Utilize interior hallways, bathrooms and office spaces. Stay away from exterior doors and windows. |
Clowes Memorial Hall | Flag poles or Schrott parking lot | Lowest level, into Krannert Room and Green Room. Stay away from doors and windows. Stairwells as a last resort from 1st floor to lower level. |
CTS Apts: A, B, & C | South Campus main parking lot | Lowest level, interior hallways, away from exterior doors and walls. Utilize bathrooms and closets when possible. |
CTS Counseling Center | South lawn area by 52nd Street | Lowest level (basement). Use hallways, bathrooms, and any interior spaces. |
CTS Hospitality House | South lawn area by 52nd Street | Lowest level (basement). Use hallways and any interior spaces. |
Dugan Hall | Lawn of the Mall or by flag poles | Lowest level. Utilize interior hallways, bathrooms and office spaces. Stay away from exterior doors and windows. |
Efroymson Center for Creative Writing | Front of Resco (Residential College) | Lowest level (basement). Utilize interior hallways, bathrooms and office spaces. Stay away from exterior doors and windows. |
Facilities Management Building | Tennis Bubble lot or parking lots around building | Interior hallways, bathrooms, and offices. Stay away from exterior doors and windows. |
Fairbanks Building | Parking lots in front of Fairbanks | Lowest level away from doors and windows. Utilize interior offices and bathrooms. |
Fairview House | Lawn between Irwin & Resco | Lowest level, use interior hallways, closets, bathrooms. Stay away from exterior doors and windows. |
Gallahue Hall | Front lawn of Gallahue by Butler Way | Lowest level (basement). Can also utilize stairwells from 1st level to lower level. Stay away from doors and windows. |
Health & Recreation Center (HRC) | HRC main parking lot | Men’s and Women’s locker rooms located on the lowest level. |
Hinkle Fieldhouse | Main parking lot | Proceed to the lowest level of the building via the nearest ramp. Avoid exterior doors and windows. |
Holcomb | Holcomb south lawn by Butler Way or north parking lot | Lowest level (basement). Utilize interior hallways, bathrooms and office spaces. Stay away from exterior doors and windows. |
Holcomb Observatory | Front lawn of Observatory | Lowest level (basement). Utilize interior hallways, bathrooms and office spaces. Stay away from exterior doors and windows. |
Irvington House | Parking lots behind Irvington | Lowest level, use interior hallways, closets, bathrooms. Stay away from exterior doors and windows. |
Irwin Library | Lawn of the Mall | Lowest level (basement). Utilize interior hallways, closets, bathrooms. Stay away from exterior doors and windows. |
Jordan College Annex | AV main drive or Facilities parking lots | Interior hallways, bathrooms, and offices. Stay away from exterior doors and windows. |
Jordan Hall | Front lawn of Jordan or lawn of the Mall | Lowest level (basement). Utilize interior hallways, bathrooms and office spaces. Stay away from exterior doors and windows. |
Levinson Family Hall | South lawn by Butler Way or north parking lot | Lowest level (basement). Utilize interior hallways, bathrooms and office spaces. Stay away from exterior doors and windows. |
Lilly Hall | Open lawn by flag poles, west side of Lilly (open lot), or Observatory front lawn | Lowest level (basement). Utilize interior hallways, bathrooms and office spaces. Stay away from exterior doors and windows. |
Pharmacy Building | Pharmacy front lawn, rear lawn, or gravel parking lot | Lowest level (basement). Utilize interior hallways, bathrooms and office spaces. Stay away from exterior doors and windows. |
Resco (Residential College) | Mall lawn | Lowest level. Avoid large open spaces. Use hallways, closets and any interior spaces. |
Robertson Hall | Robertson front lawn or Observatory front lawn | Lowest level (basement). Utilize interior bathrooms and office space. Avoid any large, open space. |
Ross Hall | Ross Hall main parking lot | Lowest level (basement). Avoid large, open spaces. Use hallways, closets and any interior spaces. |
Schrott Center | Schrott main parking lot or lawn by flag poles | Lowest level avoiding exterior doors and windows. Avoid large, open spaces. |
South Campus Main Building (CTS) | Main parking lots or lawn areas away from building | Lowest level (basement) away from doors and windows. Utilize interior offices and bathrooms. |
University Terrace | Front of Athletic Annex building | 1st floor, interior hallways, away from exterior doors and walls. Utilize bathrooms and closets when possible. |